I have pushed a file into my SDCard folder and from my application, I am trying to delete the file , but I am getting result as E_ILLEGAL_ACCESS. The following is the piece of code I have used,
String modifyName; Directory* pDir; DirEnumerator* pDirEnum; result r = E_SUCCESS; Tizen::Base::String dirName = Tizen::System::Environment::GetExternalStoragePath(); AppLog("Memory Card Path : %ls",dirName.GetPointer()); pDir = new Directory; r = pDir->Construct(dirName); pDirEnum = pDir->ReadN(); while (pDirEnum->MoveNext() == E_SUCCESS) { DirEntry entry = pDirEnum->GetCurrentDirEntry(); if(entry.IsDirectory()) { } else { r = Tizen::Io::File::Remove("/opt/storage/sdcard/6.JPG"); if(r == E_SUCCESS) { AppLog("File Deleted"); } else if (r == E_INVALID_ARG) { AppLog("E_INVALID_ARG"); } else if (r == E_ILLEGAL_ACCESS) { AppLog("E_ILLEGAL_ACCESS"); } else if (r == E_FILE_NOT_FOUND) { AppLog("E_FILE_NOT_FOUND"); } else if (r == E_IO) { AppLog("E_IO"); } } }
I am trying to delete the 6.JPG file from the opt/storage/sdcard path. FYI, I am using Tizen 2.1 (Emulator)and I have switched to root mode.
I couldn't understand why I am getting ILLEGAL_ACCESS error.