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Failed to install TPK via my files

Dear All, 


I'm developting an application on the device with Tizen SDK 2.3.0. 

In this regard, I tried to install the TPK via 'my files' but filed with message of 'Unable to install this file. The format is invalid.'. 

Since I found several articles about similar problems here, I'm sure that the TPK already got certificated with proper certificates. 

By the way, I found below logs from Tizen IDE.


04-13 18:10:06.989 : ERROR / PKGMGR ( 10903 : 10903 ) : pkgmgr-internal.c: _get_type_from_zip(681) > /opt/usr/media/com.xxx.yyy-1.0.0-arm.tpk is core

04-13 18:10:07.059 : ERROR / rpm-installer ( 10903 : 10903 ) : librpm.c: __is_core_tpk_app(285) > tizen-manifest.xml is not found.
04-13 18:10:07.069 : ERROR / rpm-installer ( 10903 : 10903 ) : librpminternals.c: _librpm_get_package_header_info(161) > Could not read package file
04-13 18:10:07.069 : ERROR / PKGMGR ( 10903 : 10903 ) : pkgmgr.c: pkgmgr_client_check_pkginfo_from_file(3468) > [pkgmgr_client_check_pkginfo_from_file(): 3468](ret != 0) get_pkg_detail_info_from_package failed for path[/opt/usr/media/com.xxx.yyy-1.0.0-arm.tpk]
04-13 18:10:07.069 : ERROR / INSTALLER ( 10903 : 10903 ) : installer_package_manager.c: get_package_info_from_file(147) > get_package_info_from_file pkgmgr_client_check_pkginfo_from_file(/opt/usr/media/com.xxx.yyy-1.0.0-arm.tpk) is failed.
04-13 18:10:07.069 : ERROR / INSTALLER ( 10903 : 10903 ) : installer.c: _get_packageInfo(710) > _get_packageInfo package_info is NULL
04-13 18:10:07.069 : ERROR / INSTALLER ( 10903 : 10903 ) : installer.c: _app_create(758) > _app_create _get_packageInfo() failed.


And I also figured out that izen-manifest.xml was in the TPK. 

Please let me know if any one knows the cause. 


Thanks a lot for the answer in advance. 




Edited by: Shawn Lee on 21 4월, 2015
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7 댓글
John Ixion

Hi Shawn,

There is a topic about that: https://developer.tizen.org/forums/native-application-development/problems-installing-tpk-on-samsung-z1

Shawn Lee

Hi Olivier, 


Thank you for your andwer. 

I'll check the topic and try to find the solution. 

Mark as answer
Kiwook Hong

Which version of SDK do you use?

After unzipping your tpk app, check each file's permission.

If the permission is 004, it's the packaging related bug of SDK.

This bug cause the app couldn't be installed by clicking in MyFiles.

This was patched at the latest version, Tizen SDK 2.3.0 Rev2.



Shawn Lee

Hi Kiwook Hong, 


I'm using Tizen SDK 2.3.0 Rev2 revealed on Tizen offical developer site. 

As you mentioned, I figuired out that permission on each files were 004. 

Also found that the TPK repacked its inner files with permmission 755 was installed normally via MyFiles. 

As a result, this problem has been resolved. 

I hope to get new SDK where the bug you've mentioned resolved soon.

Thanks a million. 

Kiwook Hong

Oh, I am sorry. This bug is in the 2.3.0 Rev2.

And will be fixed at 2.3.1.

Lingkun Cheng

Is this permission issue causing your Tizen native app to fail validation? Do you have to wait for SDK 2.3.1 to overcome this problem?


When it will be available?