언어 설정

Does Tizen OpenGL ES support GLU tool?

We know that andriod/ios opengl es has a set of useful APIs such as gluPerspective() to sets up a perspective projection matrix, and glulookat() function defines a viewing transformation. These APIs packed in the tool GLU.

But I do not find GlView or EvasGL in Tizen support the tool GLU. Any one knows if GLU is support by Tizen OpenGL ES? Or if there is a plan to support it in the near future?


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Jean Yang

I got one document to describe this: Since OpenGL ES 2.0, some functions for matrix transformations have been removed. Define three matrices to use: projection matrix, model-view matrix, and a combination of these allows you to perform any transformations on the initial vertices matrix. So It seems as Tizen developer, you need to implement those tool functions, such as glFrustum(), gluPerspective(), glulookat().

Xaemin Cho

Hi, you can check OpenGL ES sample project in Tizen IDE.

There are good relacement for matrix calculations and gluLookat that GLU is providing to finish your project.