언어 설정

Detect sound start and sound stop

How to start recording when detecting sound, and stop recording when detecting silence?

Is there any listener in native application that will hear for a sound threshold? I want this functionality while the application is running.

The class SetSilenceDetectionEnabled seems to be what i need but there is no compatibility with the current SDK.

Edited by: Brock Boland on 17 3월, 2014 Reason: Paragraph tags added automatically from tizen_format_fix module.


5 댓글
muditha murthy
Which SDK are you using? i was able to find that API(SetSilenceDetectionEnabled) in latest 2.2beta SDK.
Byron Gavras
I currently use 2.1 SDK. The sample SpeechApp aplication is not supported. When i run the application and select Speech To Text the message Unsupported service appears. Have you tested SetSilenceDetectionEnabled in a sample code? Thank you
tizendevteam T
Hi all, Currently STT engine is not supported. Only TTS is working. Thanks
Byron Gavras
So is there any other way to start recording audio from microphone when detecting sound, and stop recording when detecting silence?
Siddharth Singh
When can we expect STT to be a part of SDK ?