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Can we use SQlite for native app development


Can we use SQlite for native app development.

I got some problem when running DictionaryDataControlProvider
in(sample projects in Native Application Daevelopement) Sample projects.
Please any one try and help me. No problem occurs when launching but it
is not running(not even showing) on Emulator.

When i am debugging it is showing some error like( Cannot launch application with GDBClient.cannot bind socket)..


Edited by: Brock Boland on 17 3월, 2014 Reason: Paragraph tags added automatically from tizen_format_fix module.


3 댓글
john Smith
Hi, i have tested in 2.2b SDK. Its working properly. Might there is some installation problem, install SDK once again.
y Rajyalakshmi
thanks for your response john Smith. Have you worked on database with native application development. can u provide me sample code to select the data from a database. And please let me know the procedure to follow.
Madhuri A
Hi RajyaLakshmi, Did you try both DictionaryDataControl and DictionaryDataControlProvider? Please check https://developer.tizen.org/help/index.jsp?topic=%2Forg.tizen.native.appprogramming%2Fhtml%2Ftutorials%2Fapp_tutorial%2Ftask_dictionarydatacontrolprovider_sql.htm