언어 설정

Building issue with tizen webkit


I am trying to build tizen webkit using gbs command gbs build -A armv7l --incremental,but i am getting error "info: generate repositories ...
info: build conf has been downloaded at:
info: start building packages from: /home/user/tizen/webkit2-efl-123997_0.11.89 (git)
2014-04-25 18:22 +0530
error: No source package found at /home/user/tizen/webkit2-efl-123997_0.11.89
error: <gbs>some packages failed to be built".

It was building successfully with the gbs build -A armv7l --include-all. please suggest a way how to proceed from here.

Please provide me input for Incremental build whether i need to do any changes in tizen webkit or not.



Edited by: Chandrakant Rinayat on 28 4월, 2014


1 댓글
Md. Anwar Parvez

Hello Chandrakant,

There are some limitation of building with incremental option:

  • Incremental build currently supports building only a single package. It doesn't support building multiple packages in parallel
  • The tarball's name in the spec file should be -{version}.{tar.gz|tar.bz2|zip|...}, otherwise GBS can't mount source code to build the root correctly
  • %prep section should only contains %setup macro to unpack tarball, and should not contains other source code related operations, such as unpack another source, apply patches, etc.

You need to check this limitations and if this error still contains please refer the actual repository branch names etc.

For any further information, please feel free to ask.