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In-app purchases. Error 9201


I am trying to buy items in Native Sample Application.

I select Developer mode, then load items list, then touch on one of the item from the list. Then "Tizen account login" dialog appears. I input my account, and then I got error message "(E9201/6001").

I also tryied to make purchase from my own application with items registered in Tizen Store for my app. But result is the same.

Thanks for any help.

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6 댓글
Alex Dem

just fyi, try to look here regarding your error (9201 is item group ID is not found):
Maybe it could help.

Boris Tsarev

Thanks, Alexey. But I don't understand why I receive that error.

List of items from specified Item Group successfully load. But purchasing item from that group doesn't work.

Boris Tsarev

Native sample application still show me error "(E9201/6001)".

No one else facing with that error?

Boris Tsarev

Today I noticed that Tizen In-App Puchase Client version 1.1.5 is available for download now (I was using ver 1.1.1 before).

After installing new clent app, I again got several 9201 errors, but after that purchases starts to work.

May be new IAP clent helped or may be Tizen servers started to work today.


I also noticed that IAP release notes said that IAP client 1.1.5 release date is 29 Apr 2014, but It became available for download only today (or may be in recent couple of days). Very strange.

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Alex Dem

I guess the cause of your issue is:
There are different IAP clients available for every link.

Boris Tsarev

Thanks, Alexey