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Tizen Wearable-2.3.1 Create Native App Problem. | 타이젠 Wearable 네이티브 앱 생성 시 문제

타이젠 Wearable 2.3.1 에서 Native 앱을 만들면

'Creating native project' has encountered a problem.

An internal error occurred during: "Creating native project"

라고 에러메세지가 뜬 뒤 아무것도 없는 빈프로젝트 파일이 만들어집니다.

이 에러를 해결하는 방법을 알려주세요.




When I create an  Native App  in Wearable 2.3.1,

I get an error message.

'Creating native project' has encountered a problem.

An internal error occurred during: "Creating native project"


and, created an empty file.

Please tell me how to fix the error.




ps. 왜 이 게시판은 사진첨부가 에러가뜨나요, 그래서 파일첨부를 하려니 txt 밖에 지원이 안되서 사진파일에 png뒤에 .txt를 붙였습니다.



2 댓글
Mehedi Alamgir

I also faced similar problem. My solution was


I removed all the projects  from Project Explorer project List and  restart the IDE . Then import my project again . Now after build my  project it didn't show error anymore.


 Do the above procedure and check whether error exists or not.

진홍 박

Thank you for answer.

but failed to resolve in a way you taught me.

I do not know how.
Tizen will generate too many errors.