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Samsung z2 :Service not available.(0x40fa2)

Hello All,

While Working with external links in unity3d to tizen platform,
samsung z3 Device is redirecting to tizen store perfectly ,but here in samsung z2 giving problem,and showing like :
 Tizen Store "Service not Available" (0x40fa2)..please help me out here,

 "Service not available" pop-up appears while tapping on More Games tab.

Thanks in advance.

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Bojan Skaljac

I presume that you are using this format of Tizen store link:  tizenstore://ProductDetail/000000005096  ?


If that is a case you should use tizenstore://ProductDetail/com.company.game format because this will work on all phones, while previous format does not work on all phones.

I had that same issue and I solve it like that.


Chek out new deep link document


id1 games

Hello Bojan Skaljac

Thank you for reply,But here,The same link working fine in samsung z3,not in z2,
i am using like...
exitImageOnClickLink = forExitImageNoWebview.Attributes.GetNamedItem("linkto").Value;

 moregameslinkkk = "tizenstore://ProductDetail/" + exitImageOnClickLink;


here____ exitImageOnClickLink ___is taking from external xml___com.companyname.gamename
If i write like ,Application.OpenURL("tizenstore://ProductDetail/com.companyname.gamename"); it is working fine in z3 and z2
But i need it  here from xml.
Here i debug the -----moregameslinkkk ,and i got correct path too,same like  tizenstore://ProductDetail/com.companyname.gamename

Thank you.

id1 games

Hello Bojan Skaljac

Thank you for reply,But here,The same link working fine in samsung z3,not in z2,
i am using like...
exitImageOnClickLink = forExitImageNoWebview.Attributes.GetNamedItem("linkto").Value;

 moregameslinkkk = "tizenstore://ProductDetail/" + exitImageOnClickLink;


here____ exitImageOnClickLink ___is taking from external xml___com.companyname.gamename
If i write like ,Application.OpenURL("tizenstore://ProductDetail/com.companyname.gamename"); it is working fine in z3 and z2
But i need it  here from xml.
Here i debug the -----moregameslinkkk ,and i got correct path too,same like  tizenstore://ProductDetail/com.companyname.gamename

Thank you.

id1 games

Hello Bojan Skaljac

I found the solution,
com.companyname.gamename here this game we uploaded for z3 only..may be because of that ,here it is not working,
If it redirect to tizen store it will be good.(if any application not found,tizen store should do redirect to main store)

Thank you again.