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(Mobile app ↔ wearable smart watch connect) 모바일 어플에서 웨어러블 스마트워치 연동하기

모바일 어플과 스마트워치를 연동하고 싶은데요,
스마트워치 OS가 다양한데다가 (타이젠, 안드로이드 웨어 2.0 등등)
스마트워치 상품 설명을 보면 전용 어플을 설치해서 쓰라는 식으로 되어 있어서 내가 만든 어플과 연동할 수 있는건지 애매했습니다.


I would like to integrate mobile app and smart watch.
However, there are a variety of smart watch OS (Taizen, Androidware 2.0, etc.)
And In the SmartWatch product description, it is said that "install a dedicated application", so it is unclear whether it can be linked with my application.






* 질문내용 (Question Contents)

1) 휴대폰 어플과 스마트워치를 연동할 때, 스마트워치마다 OS가 다른데 모두 연동이 가능한가요?
아니면 OS마다 따로 설정을 해줘야 하는지요? 예를 들면 휴대폰과 타이젠 스마트워치를 연동하려면 타이젠 스튜디오와 타이젠SDK를 따로 깔아서 그걸 안드로이드 스튜디오와 연결시켜야 하는가요?


OS is different for each smart watch.
But can you integrate mobile apps with all kinds of smart watches?

Or should I configure each OS separately? For example, if you want to connect your mobile phone with your smart smart watch, do you need to separately install the Taizen Studio and the Taizen SDK and connect it to your Android studio?



2) 스마트워치 성능이 좋지 않은데 어디까지 연동이 가능할까요?
저렴한 제품은 RAM이 32mb로 개미 쥐똥만큼이고, 삼성 기어 같은 비싼 제품도 RAM이 512mb라 높은 편이 아니더군요. 그래서 웹뷰처럼 모바일 화면을 통째로 스마트워치에서 보여주는건 불가능한건지 궁금합니다.


Smart watch performance is bad. How far can it work?
Affordable Products: RAM 32mb, Expensive products: RAM 512MB.
Like WebView, I wonder if it is possible to show the entire mobile screen in SmartWatch.



3) 웨어러블로 측정한 심박수를 휴대폰 어플에 전송할 때,
- 웨어러블로 측정한 내 심박수를, 내 휴대폰에 실시간으로 전송
- 웨어러블로 측정한 내 심박수를, 보호자의 휴대폰에도 전송

이걸 하려면 블루투스로 내 휴대폰에 정보를 전달한 뒤,
내 휴대폰에서 다시 보호자의 휴대폰으로 정보를 전달해야 될 것 같은데요...
이게 가능한지 궁금합니다.


Transfer heart rate measured by wearable to mobile phone application:
- transmit my heart rate measured by wearable to my mobile phone in real time
- My heart rate measured by wearable is also transmitted to the protector's mobile phone.

To do this, I need to send information to my phone via Bluetooth,
And I think I'll have to pass the information back to my guardian's cell phone.

Is this possible?

Edited by: 성민 안 on 28 12월, 2017
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Armaan-Ul- Islam

Answering your queries based on my understanding:


1)  If you choose a common communication platform for all, You can develop one mobile application to communicate with watches on different OS,

Such as:

- Bluetooth/BLE Communication

- Or HTTP/Server Communication (Only If the smart watches have Wi-fi or GSM/3G/4G connectivity)

Developing a Single Mobile Application would be the best way. Inside that app, you may have to code different modules to handle bluetooth messages from different platforms.

You don't need to connect Tizen-Studio with Android Studio. Develop a Tizen application and deploy on Tizen wearable using Tizen Studio. Similarly Develop a Android application and deploy on Android mobile using Android Studio. These applications would communicate with each other based on the communication medium (for ex. bluetooth)


2) Can't say "Smart watch performance is bad", Rather It is meant to be such lightweight due to 'Tiny space for hardware chips', 'Cost optimization'. You won't expect heavy hardware like High-end Samsung phones/ iPhone in a watch.

Showing "entire Mobile screen in SmartWatch" wont be a good choice, Tiny display of wearable is not meant to do so.



Mobile <--> Wearable

 - To measure heart rate data use Tizen Native API or Tizen Web API in your tizen wearable App.

Heart rate Sensor Guides:

Tizen Web Guides

Tizen Native Guides

- You can transmit data from your Tizen Wearable to Android Mobile using 'Samsung Accessory SDK'  or Code for raw bluetooth communication. You may check out this post:



Mobile /Wearable <--> Protector's Mobile

It would be more convenient sending data to Protector's Mobile from your Mobile rather than from your wearable. HTTP/Server communication between Protector's Mobile and your mobile seems a good option. And If the purpose is only Notifying protector you can consider sending a SMS from your mobile.