언어 설정

Is the gyro sensor in the tizen device?[타이젠 디바이스에 자이로 센서가 있나요?]

I made a game using a gyro sensor.

But I have no other devices. So I do not know if it works.

(I believe in Unity's cross platform.)

자이로 센서를 이용한 게임을 만들었는데 디바이스가 없어서 작동이 되는지는 잘 모르겠네요. 에뮬레이터에도 이 부분은 없어서..

있는지만 좀 알려주세요. 전 유니티의 크로스 플랫폼을 믿으니 안드로이드에서 작동을 하면 타이젠에서도 작동 할 것이라 믿습니다.


6 댓글
André Reus

hi Luke Park
As far i know, Gear S, S2,S3 have Gyro sensor. But Z1 series don't not have this sensor according to GSMArena.com. 

For which device, you have developed your game?

Luke Park

unfortunately i have not device :(

so i deveolped with the belief that there would be a sensor.

Are there not all gyro sensors in the z series?(z1, z2, z4)

John Ixion

yes, all Tizen phones have a gyro sensor


Luke Park

oh, how to check sensor?

I enter that website. but, i don't find it.

John Ixion

This task, based on the SensorBall sample delivered with the Tizen Studio, demonstrates how you can use the Sensor API to read and process gyro sensor data. For more information on the sample functionality and creating the sample with the full source code, see Sensor Ball.



Luke Park

but, André Reus's website, which was attached above, z1's sensor is just one, z2 is two.

What is true.






FEATURES Sensors Accelerometer, proximity