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failure in using certificate in Gear S simulator


I am mostly developing for Gear S2 

But today I wanted to port one of my apps to Gear S.

So I created a new emulator using platform wearable-2.3 (360x480 skin)

The old certificate was not accepted on this one. So I created a new certificate request using the tool provided in IDE.

But the new certificate is not working with my  Gear S emulator . I get the following error:


Error message: 
Command: /usr/bin/pkgcmd -i -q -t wgt -p "/opt/usr/apps/tmp/ThetaS_for_GearS.wgt"
Management: Check author certificates in Preferences > Tizen SDK > Secure Profiles > Profile items.

Error message: 
Command: /usr/bin/pkgcmd -i -q -t wgt -p "/opt/usr/apps/tmp/ThetaS_for_GearS.wgt"
Management: Check author certificates in Preferences > Tizen SDK > Secure Profiles > Profile items.


What is wrong ? 

I can use this new certificate on my Gear S2 



8 댓글
mekabe remain

I can see the device profile on /home/developer folder of the emulator.

What else should I check ?


Btw, is it normal to see same DUID for 2 different emulators on same emulator manager ?


Masum Talukder


Have you done the “Permit to install applications”?

You can right-click a device which displayed in the connection explorer and select the “Permit to install applications” to transfer device-profile.xml to /home/developer folder of device.


If you think that my answer is helpful for you, then please mark it as the "Best" answer.


mekabe remain

I have already tried that.

I see the device profile in that folder.

What else might be wrong ?


btw, I can not start a gear s emulator using wearable 2.3.1 image. It gets stuck. So  I used wearable 2.3 image.



mekabe remain



I  really need this. Please help me troubleshoot.


Masum Talukder


I think you should try to re-install the SDK as you are facing issue with emulator.

Using the Update Manger, Uninstall all and then manually delete the "tizen-sdk' and 'tizen-sdk-data' folder from your installed Directory.

and Fnally re-generate the certificates and follow earlier instruction. That might solve yur problem.


If you think that my answer is helpful for you, then please mark it as the "Best" answer.

Masum Talukder

For all Tizen Certificate related Troubleshooting please check this link:


Gaurav Singhal



What is the value of "required_version" attribute in config.xml file of Gear S application

Masum Talukder

Dear Gaurav,

This option confirms the OS version that is required for running your app.