Under the hood of Tizen lies a set of libraries called "EFL". These libraries cover things from rendering through to scene graph, opengl accelerated rendering, widget set, mainloop, thread helpers, layout handling, networking, and much more.
These libraries have been evolving, and Tizen 3.0 will have some new features that add interesting features and possibilities. These include far more robust object access via indirection, dynamic reference counted objects as a base class which leads to easy generation of C++ (EFL++) bindings, alongside the ability to generate OO bindings for other dynamic languages such as Javascript, LUA and Python, so a single consistent API can automatically be exposed in many languages.
This presentation covers these new features, how they work, what they bring in features and API accessibility, how they improve robustness and more.
slides PDF: http://download.tizen.org/misc/media/conference2014/slides/tdc2014-core-object-model-eo-efl.pdf
audio file: http://download.tizen.org/misc/media/conference2014/audio/tdc14-audio-june3-c5-1500-carstenhaitzler.ogg