
Question about process of storing and location of audio file on Gear 2 Tizen watch

When I record an audio file on my Gear 2 watch for an app that we are building, can someone explain to me the following: 

1. The process to involke the audio recorder programmtically 

2. The process by which this file is stored locally on the watch

3. The location of the stored file locally on the watch

4. The process by which this file interacts with its mother device (Android OS/ Samsung phone)

Thanks in advance 


1 Replies
Nikhil Jain

I have some follow-up questions: 

1.)    How do we access the microphone of Gear 2 programmatically?. We are currently using navigator.webkitGetUserMedia. Is there any other API to be used?

2.)    What standards does the Gear 2 follow? JavaScript is browser dependent. So in order to use JavaScript in gear 2 which browser standards do we need?