I'm sorry because of using poor english..^^;
I can't believe ==> jQuery API:Support for backward compatibility
most of tizen2.3 samples make by jQuery... but tizen2.3 documents says jQuery API is just Suport for backward compatibility.. and TAU API:RECOMMEND
Is it right???
and I use TAU API.. It's not easy to use...
for example..
1. tau.widget.[object] ...
var button1 = tau.widget.Button(document.getElementById("button1"));
var textInput1 = tau.widget.TextInput(document.getElementById("textinput1"));
var label1 = tau.widget.TextInput(document.getElementById("label1")); <--- how can i use <label> tag which tau.widget.??? or other tags which is not supported tau's widget name???
2. how can I make event by TAU API (Widget)
tau.event.on(document.getElementById("button1"), "tap", function(event){ --> is it right??? first parameter use javascript element.. is there any method by using tau.widget?
3. how can I read and write by using Widet..??
textInput1.value().element.value --> is it right? It seems confused... is there any simple way??
textInput1.value("111"); -->tau.widget.Button's value is work. but TextInput's value is not work..becasuse it needs object.. It's alse confused...
ex) Button1.value("AAA") -> works... TextInput1.value("BBB")->not work.. how can I set the TextInpu1's value..
//$("#label1").text($("#textinput1").val()); --> jQuery is simple and good work..
thanks for reading... ^^