
Tizen SDK 2.3.0beta - Black screen in remote device

Tizen SDK 2.3.0beta ( Wearable) after the second Building project - in the remote device you will see  a black screen after you have install and play  your app . Perhaps the problem is similar on that .

But how to uncheck Tizen Web UI Framework library on the target device, and where - it is not clear for Tizen SDK 2.3.0beta .
  If you  have bild your project a second time -Tizen SDK 2.3.0beta will be show errors ( yellow signs) and black screen on remote device.
   In version Tizen 1.0 for Wearable - there is a no black screen and no errors.


1 Replies
Sanjeev BA

Kindly try with the latest 2.3 SDK and let us know you face the same issue.