
UI Builder app - preserve current text if objects on orientation change


On app view we have some visual object with text/value (label, editarea, spinner etc.) that is set in runtime according to app logic.

Then device is rotated and all values are resetted to initial ones (defined in layout.xml).

This totally destroys the application O_O !!!

How to preserve current text & values of visual objects in UI Builder project ? 





2 Replies
Mango Bar

You may use Events to preserve the value of widget. For example , Entry widget has changed event. When value of entry is changed, you can grab that value in event listener method. After selecting a widget,  you will find all the corresponding  widget event at the end of properties window.

Serhii Kolomiiets


This is fully manual and tedious. Every developer will be forced to reinvent the wheel.

For non-trivial UI this will be nightmare.

In Bada it was effortless...