
Tizen store App validation rejected. Undocumented APIs used.

Our app validation is rejected citing the reason as undocumented APIs are used. 2_core_whitelist.txt file is attached, which does not contain any APIs but only component names. We have tried renaming the components, still the app got rejected. We would like to know further details as to which APIs are used that are undocumented or component name that is already in use? We have tried component name to be AWEntity, AWEntityManager, AWTizenEntity.

Contents of 2_core_whitelist.txt

AWTizenEntity[awcmclient, awprocesscommands]

Any help is appreciated. 

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11 Replies
colin Rao

Hi, I don't face such issue, also don't find any workaround for those undocumented APIs. 

Suggest you to ask help from Samsung directly. Or try raise your questions in the tizen dev mail list, application-dev-owner<>, application-dev<>

Me Papillon


Its really unfortunate and frustrating that the app is rejected for the fifth time with the same reason. The tech support seller office gives is to post the question in the forum. We are not getting any help here either. Hope someone is listening here.



Alex Dem

I did not face with such rules for names (nothing like this in dev-guide) I hope something from platform developers could provide their opinion why such names could not be allowed.



As I understand AWTizenEntity is used in your project by awcmclient and awprocesscommands modules. Probably AWTizenEntity is a class or struct that is used in project but it was not declared in your project directly (it is inluded from external module, e.g. from shared or static lib). For such cases tizen store rules claim them as undocumented api and put them to whitelist issue. It is my suggestion. So, to resolve whitelist issue with AWTizenEntity you should put to your project code  AWTizenEntity implementation. You could try this solution. By the way I am not sure that actually solves your problem.

Best wishes

Me Papillon

Hi TizenTom, 

We will try your solution. However, if we put AWTizenEntity implementation into our project, there would be some classes that AWTizenEntity would depened on, we would have to bring those classes as well to our project. That would defeat the purpose of libraries. 

Please suggest. 


Mark as answer

Hi Me Papillon,

Actually, you are right. If you put AWTizenEntity implementation into your project this would involve other dependencies, ans so on. This relly do defeat the purpose of libraries as they are. Very strange rules for uploading apps from TS verification team. By the way the rule is rule. I had the same problem with whitelist. I have solved it by adding implementation of whitelist apis into project sources. I agree that is Bad approach. But it works.

Me Papillon

Hi TizenTom,

Thanks for the input. We have made the required changes as suggested by you and submitted app to store for validation. Hopefully the app gets accepted this time. I will keep you posted on the updates.


Me Papillon

Thank you TizenTom, it worked. Our app is live on Tizen store now. :)




You are welcome! Congrats!

What is your app name on Tizen Store? I will try it)

Me Papillon


Our app is Airwatch Agent. 

Me Papillon

We are eager to publish our enterprise app to Tizen. Please help us to get this problem solved. We are not getting descriptive information from Tizen store. We have tried all, trial and error methods without any success.