
Segmentation Fault on HTTP Request

I am trying to establish a connection with remote server for a GET request. Unfortunately on calling 

pHttpTransaction = __pHttpSession->OpenTransactionN(); causes exception and the application quits. I am wondering if iI miss some libraries to link or something (added osp-net but no help). HTTP GET Request sample project is working well. How to sort this out?

Attaching the complete code (this is the code in the sample project.


	result r = E_SUCCESS;
	HttpTransaction* pHttpTransaction = null;
	HttpRequest* pHttpRequest = null;

	if (__pHttpSession == null)
		__pHttpSession = new (std::nothrow) HttpSession();

		r = __pHttpSession->Construct(NET_HTTP_SESSION_MODE_NORMAL, null, HTTP_CLIENT_HOST_ADDRESS, null);
		if (IsFailed(r))
			delete __pHttpSession;
			__pHttpSession = null;
			AppLogException("Failed to create the HttpSession.");
			goto CATCH;

		r = __pHttpSession->SetAutoRedirectionEnabled(true);
		TryCatch(r == E_SUCCESS, , "Failed to set the redirection automatically.");

	pHttpTransaction = __pHttpSession->OpenTransactionN();
	r = GetLastResult();
	TryCatch(pHttpTransaction != null, , "Failed to open the HttpTransaction.");

	r = pHttpTransaction->AddHttpTransactionListener(*this);
	TryCatch(r == E_SUCCESS, , "Failed to add the HttpTransactionListener.");

	pHttpRequest = const_cast< HttpRequest* >(pHttpTransaction->GetRequest());

	r = pHttpRequest->SetUri(HTTP_CLIENT_REQUEST_URI);
	TryCatch(r == E_SUCCESS, , "Failed to set the uri.");

	r = pHttpRequest->SetMethod(NET_HTTP_METHOD_GET);
	TryCatch(r == E_SUCCESS, , "Failed to set the method.");

	r = pHttpTransaction->Submit();
	TryCatch(r == E_SUCCESS, , "Failed to submit the HttpTransaction.");

	return r;


	delete pHttpTransaction;
	pHttpTransaction = null;

	AppLog("RequestHttpGet() failed. (%s)", GetErrorMessage(r));
	return r;
Edited by: Brock Boland on 17 Mar, 2014 Reason: Paragraph tags added automatically from tizen_format_fix module.


1 Replies
youngsik yoon
did you set the privilege "" in your manifest.xml? according to dev guide OpenTransactionN needs that privilege.