
Problem Running UI App when packaged with onther UI App


I have to package two native UI Apps into a single package. One is normal UI app (with main menu icon) and another is IME UI app (without main menu icon). I installed the package and tried to run the normal UI app. It is not showing any UI. Main frame jumps from initializing directly to terminating. When I packaged and installed normal UI app alone, I am able to run it properly.

Does or does not tizen support packaging multiple UI applications together?

Is there a special process I need to follow to package two UI apps?
 Any pointers would be helpful.

I have gone through the documentation about package UI app and service app. Could not find anything that is relevant for multi UI apps.



Edited by: Brock Boland on 17 Mar, 2014 Reason: Paragraph tags added automatically from tizen_format_fix module.


1 Replies
wil smith
AFAIK, you can package only one UI app with multiple service apps.