
How to open zip file through My-file app.


I am creating an app in which i have downloaded a zip file in /Downloads directory. How do i open the zip file through my-file app. By open i mean my-file app should be opened with the path /Downloads and it should start unzipping process.

Please explain in detail with example. I am trying to launch through app-control but its not working. Below is my code which is not working.

    int ret = 0;

    ret = app_control_create(&svc_handle);
    ret = app_control_set_operation(svc_handle, "");

    app_control_add_extra_data(svc_handle, "path", "/opt/usr/media/Downloads/");
    app_control_set_mime(svc_handle, "application/zip");
    app_control_set_app_id(svc_handle, "");

    ret = app_control_set_launch_mode(svc_handle, APP_CONTROL_LAUNCH_MODE_GROUP);
    ret = app_control_send_launch_request(svc_handle, NULL, NULL);
    if (svc_handle)

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5 Replies
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Syed Khaja Moinuddin

Please add below line to work .

app_control_add_extra_data(svc_handle, "action", "decompress");

Syed Khaja Moinuddin

Hello , 

Yes, there is an documentation for adding an extra Data for an app control. But, Is there any documentation about "Key" & "value" details for each app_control  ?




unfortunately, I haven't find any detailed information about key and value parameters. Probably Syed Khaja Moinuddin have found some.

Anand Rudrakshi

This is useless.

It doesn't mention the available "key" and "values" associated with the app control.

There should be a documentation for all the "key" and "values" associated with the app.