
CtxPopup icon color

I'm using CtxPopup with png icons. Although icons I use have different colors, ctxpopup always shows them as grayscale. Is there any way to show colorful icons in ctxpopup?

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Hermet Park

I'm sorry to say this, but as far as i checked this, ctxpopup forcely makes icon color to gray.

That was implemented follow Tizen UX guide. and that looks bad for you.

I hope that will be improved by next version, but for now, elm_list may be more appropriate to your app.

Please try this instead,

1. create a elm_list and set it as ctxpopup items.

2. then put the list as the ctxpopup content. (elm_object_content_set(ctxpopup, list); )

Before you put the list to ctxpopup, probably you have to call elm_list_mode_set(list, ELM_LIST_COMPRESS);












Sergey Ivanov

Thanks! I also solved this problem by customizing elm/ctxpopup/icon_style_item in ctxpopup.edc