
App working on emulator, but not working on real device


I made two small games written on C++ using GLES. Both games working on emulator, but not working on real device.

I got report from QA, that they both successful installed, but by click on icon nothing happened.

I haven't a real Tizen device and can't ivestigate what is problem. I think problem is in manifest file, probably it failed definition any feature.

What are minimal necessary defined features?

This is my manifest file:

<manifest xmlns="" api-version="2.3" package="" version="1.0.1">
    <author href="xxx">xxx</author>
    <profile name="mobile"/>
    <ui-application appid="" exec="xxx" multiple="false" nodisplay="false" taskmanage="true" type="capp">
    <feature name="">true</feature>

Or probably was generated wrong binary? By me was generated, but binary inside package has ELF header.



11 Replies
daniel kim


As far as I know, you need to generate the binary of arm architecture to run your tpk on Z1 device. Below is the menu to change the architecture of binary.

  Properties--> C/C++ Build --> Tizen Settings -->Platform tab --> Architecture


Ramil Kusyapkulov


thanks for help, now binary are ok.

But I got a new defect:
"Unable to use notification bar while executing application.

1. Execute the application.
2. Check the notification bar."

What I should add to my fullscreen GLES app or what I should modify to fix this issue?


Ramil Kusyapkulov

OK, with notification bar now all is ok.

But I have an other problem: the app working probably on Z1, and not working on Z3. On emulator it working with both screen resolution.

Probably again any problem with manifest file or compiler settings?

Ramil Kusyapkulov

It not executed on Z3, I got report from QA, that it successful installed on Z3, but by click on icon nothing happened.

On Z1 the app working fine ...

Ramil Kusyapkulov

And an another defect is: ~~Application is gone to IDLE screen when user terminate call in executing application

I not very understand what is problem and how it can be fix?

Ramil Kusyapkulov

Is hier any Tizen developer from Samsung, who can help?

daniel kim


Z3 supports Tizen 2.4. and according to below description, I think that you need to implement your application seperately for Z3. so I would suggest you to install Tizen SDK 2.4 and check your application on it.

The Tizen 2.4 SDK supports the development of Tizen 2.4 applications only. And the Tizen 2.3.1 rev1 SDK only supports the Tizen 2.3.1 Platform.
 To develop an application based on the Tizen 2.3 platform, you must use the Tizen 2.3.1 Rev1 SDK.
 The upcoming Tizen 2.4 rev1 SDK will support both the Tizen 2.3.1 and 2.4 Platforms. The Tizen 2.3.1 rev1 SDK will be available until the Tizen 2.4 rev1 SDK is released.
- Tizen 2.4 SDK for Mobile : 2.4
- Tizen 2.3.1 Rev1 SDK : 2.3.1


Carsten Haitzler

that would be crazy - a tizne 2.4 device being unable to run A tizen 2.3 app. this should not be needed. a tizen 2.3 device not running a tizen 2.4 app - sure.

Tamas Miklos

Running "legacy" apps is not a problem, it can do it of course. What doesn't work right now is to develop 2.3 apps using Tizen 2.4 SDK. But as Daniel mentioned, the new 2.4 rev1 SDK will fix that issue. It's great news, I can't wait to switch to the new SDK.

Ramil Kusyapkulov

Finaly one of my app passed certification. I build binary using 2.3 SDK for Z1, and by submission selected only Z1.

Now I will do same for Z3, but for it probably I need first create new app with different name?

Or it's posssible to put two binaries into one app on tizen store?

Second issue is that Z1 and Z3 are not compatible not only on the binary level, but on source as well.

I needed change source too. The source what working on Z1 not working on Z3.

The source what working on Z3 not working on Z1 ...

Ramil Kusyapkulov


my first release for Z1 was approved ca. 4 weeks ago.

Now i compiled same version for Z3 and sumbitt to store. At same time I did small update for Z1 version and submitt it too.

Now both release was canceled of reason:

~~Application does not provide valuable, entertaining, unique and/or informative uses.

Ho I can understand it ???

It's very popular game with more as 1 mln. downloads for Android and WindowsPhone with absolut identical UI and function !

I can't understand it !

For me it looked as dubious from Samsung site ...