
All Widgets shrinks automatically when keyboard pops up


I am facing problem whenever the keyboard pops up. Widgets shrinks automatically to fit inside the rest of the area. 

How to avoid that?


5 Replies
Seongwon Cho

Are you using conformant widget?

If you don't use conformant widget you can avoid your problem.


conformant is the recommend way to handle with virtual keyboard. if you remove the conformant widget, possilbe the pop up virtual keyboard will cover the widget. (such as the entry widget, then you cant check the entry's content unless hide the virtual keyboard).



just fyi, you can find many useful information about Conformant Container in Tizen IDE Help:

Tizen IDE -> Help -> Help Contents

Carsten Haitzler

the conformant is MEANT to do this. if you use a grid then - things will squash as that is what grid does. use a table or a box instead. if your content is below the vkbd content may be resized DOWN to its minimum size or then moved around to show the focused widget. the problem with grid is grid HAS NO MINIMUM SIZE. it squashes all content to EXACTLy scale to the grid virtual res given their coords. table and box will adhere to min sizing rules. avoid grid UNLESs tyhis is EXACTLY the kind of layout you want - that stretches/squashes content regardless of its minimum sizing.

Sundar Jeyaram


in edc im using a RECT as background and adding widgets using relative positions.  So you want me to use a BOX to avoid this?
