
Tizen Studio 1.0.2 - Wearable "Native Perspective" Not Available!


I'm unable to add the "Native Perspective" to Tizen Studio.

I'm using wearable 2.3.1,

1- I've already used Package Manager to remove and reinstall Native app. development (IDE).

2- Already restarted Tizen Studio and tried again!

however nothing helped!

I'm also unable to see the "Native Applcation" Template and Samples. (I can see the Web templates and Samples)


Any help greatly appreciated!









Edited by: Rich Mabb on 08 Jan, 2017
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4 Replies
Mango Bar

Goto Window --> Perspective --> Open Perspective --> Other

and check whether "Native" exists in the perspective list or not. If it doesn't exists , please give a screenshot of your Package Manager (expanding view of all the profile).

Normally if you install "Native app. development (IDE)."  You should be able to use Native application template and samples.

Rich Mabb


I do not have "Native" under /Open Perspective/Other

Below is a screenshot of Package Manager


Mark as answer
Mango Bar

It should resolved after reinstalling the "Native app. development (IDE)" from package manager.
By default Web is installed with IDE installation. As you only have WEB perspective, i  guess "Native app. development (IDE)" is installed incorrectly.
So i would suggest you to re-install fresh copy of tizen studio 1.0.2. 

Rich Mabb



Completelt removing Tyzin Studio and reinstalling it resolved the issue!


Thanks Mango!