언어 설정

IAP configuration in .NET

I would like to add a free trial to my application.
to do that I realized that I need to use IAP.
there is very little documentation about IAP (only for native and web).
I found this: https://developer.tizen.org/development/tizen-studio/extension-sdk/app-purchase-programing-guide.

but I can't understand how to implement the part of "Program your application to work with IAP" with .NET and visual studio.
is it possible to get guidelines for this topic regarding .NET and visual studio?

are there any build-in tools for that in visual studio?

Thank you.


1 댓글
Tizen .NET


First of all, sorry for the late reply.
Regarding IAP, API maintainer says that they don't have C# IAP API development plan at this moment.
We'll keep you posted with any further updates. 