I heard the emulator in tizen currently does not support wifi test like this
Is there any solution that I test wifi or nfc in emulator?
Tizen phone is not released so I think I cannot test wifi direct.
I wanna develope my project using wifi direct and nfc.
Wi-Fi Connectivity
Wi-Fi connectivity allows your application to connect to a Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) and to transfer data over the network.
The Tizen::Net::Wifi namespace enables your application to activate and deactivate a local Wi-Fi device, and to connect to a WLAN network in the infrastructure mode. The Wi-Fi features include:
- Wi-Fi device management with the Tizen::Net::Wifi::WifiManager class
- Wi-Fi connection management with the WifiManager class for the infrastructure mode
- Wi-Fi account and security info management with the Tizen::Net::Wifi::WifiNetAccountInfo and Tizen::Net::Wifi::WifiSecurityInfo classes
The most common uses of the Wifi namespace are:
- Activating and deactivating a Wi-Fi device
- Getting Wi-Fi account and security information
- Connecting to a specific access point after scanning
- Connecting to a specific access point without scanning
Note |
You can test the Wi-Fi functionality only on target devices. The Emulator currently does not support this feature. |
Infrastructure Mode
Infrastructure mode is used to connect to a wireless local area network (WLAN). Infrastructure mode requires a wireless access point. To connect to a WLAN, a client must be configured to use the same service set identifier (SSID) as the access point.