
Why system on emulator is very simple?

Why system on emulator is very simple, on my screen only have a icon setting. 

How to show more icon? I need call, message...
Please help me!


6 Replies
Konrad Lipner

What kind of emulator are you running? On Mobile emulator there are all those files. On Wearable you will have only settings icon.

David Dang

I'm using Mobile emulator version 2.3, But on my screen only have a icon setting. I don't know why.

Alex Dem

You coluld check what apps are presented on 2.3 Emulator this way:
Open Connection Explorer in IDE ( with already started emulator) and go to
folder names are equal appIds.

If app is presented but there is no icon in Home menu you could try to launch some of them from your Web app this way :
tizen.application.launch("appId",onSuccess, onError)

But really  looks like there are only : Settings, Home Menu , Lockscreen and some services and system popups are presented on emulator now.

병옥 이

deer Konrad Lipner...

there is one icon  (settings..) on mobile emulator...       


and opt/../..   there is no useful app ..


we just want to test for  APIs.,.   but no way..       we can't basic api test... (email, sms, contact...) TT 

Konrad Lipner


Yes, this is a problem. Seems that some features / APIs are not avaliable on Emulator. Please refer to:Differences between the Emulator and Target in SDK help.

As a hint: please go to SDK, create new Tizen project, select Sample and Web App - you have many apps that can be read as a demo. But since Emulator limitations eg. CallLog will not work.

In addition, when you start application debugger, in chrome console type: tizen. You will get list of stuff that is supported. You can play with this.


David Dang

I hope in the future Tizen is a OS very best. It is a new future for developers.