I have to get "Auth Code" for getting OAuth Token in account site ( like facebook)
I click the button for Sign in and then, I can see the json code including auth code.
In Android, Someone use "webView".
like this.
<pre class="code">
public void onPageFinished(WebView view, String url) {
// the json page is shown after I click the singIn Button. //When the url is changed, view load the json in html page.
if (url.contains("https://blahblahbla.com/OAuth2.do")) {
super.onPageFinished(view, url);
I want to do this in TIZEN.
But, If I use "href", I cannot control the page cuz the site is not mine.
I don't know there is something like webview in tizen
and the function for recognizing the change of site(webview or website)
so, Is there any solution or webview in Tizen ?
You may think I can make login page in tizen(textbox, button and so on).
But, This is not what I want cuz I cannot get the api in the site. (Facebook offer the api. But the site is not opended)
Please remember it.