We have implemented the code for PUSH notification in one of our app. The PUSH notification is coming up proper after certain amount of time. But when we tap on the notification it launches camera.
Below is the code which we are using to get the PUSH notification.
function notificationCallback(noti)
//alert("Inside Received Notification...")
console.log("Notification received with alert message: " + noti.alertMessage + noti.appData + noti.message);
var appControl = new tizen.ApplicationControl("http://tizen.org/appcontrol/operation/create_content",
null, "image/jpg", null, null);
var notificationDict =
/* Notification content */
content: noti.appData,
/* Path to the notification icon */
iconPath: "/image/icon.jpg",
/* Device vibrates when the notification is displayed */
vibration: true,
/* Application control to be launched when the user selects the notification */
appControl: appControl
var notification = new tizen.StatusNotification("SIMPLE", "Device Monitr Notification", notificationDict);
Can you tell us whether there is an issue with the above code. And let us know the solution at the earliest.
Thanks. :)