I am tryong to send SMS in an App with a Samsung Gear S. Unfortunately this does not really seem to work. JS comes back with that this package/message is not supported? Any idea what I did wrong? Or is this not available on the Samsung Wearable SDK?
See also: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/27290483/sms-sending-in-webapi-with-samsung-gear-s. I used the following code from the web.
// Define the success callback.
function messageSent(recipients)
if (bDebug)
alert("The SMS has been sent");
// Define the error callback.
function messageFailed(error)
alert("The SMS could not be sent " + error.message);
// Define service error callback.
function serviceErrorCB(error)
alert("Cannot get messaging service " + error.message);
// Define the success callback.
function serviceListCB(services)
if (services.length > 0)
var msg = new tizen.Message("messaging.sms",
plainBody : "Hilferuf von Nummer: " + smsnumber + ": "
+ vorname + " " + nachname + ": " + adresse,
to : [ smsnumber ]
// Send request
services[0].sendMessage(msg, messageSent, messageFailed);
catch (e)
alert("serviceListCB Problem - " + e.message);
function sendSMS_tizen(smsno)
if (bDebug)
alert("Versuche SMS zu senden an " + smsno);
smsnumber = smsno;
tizen.messaging.getMessageServices("messaging.sms", serviceListCB,
catch (e)
alert("tizen.messaging nicht definiert- " + e.message);