
Samsung Gear 2 Development setup

Hi all.

I'm superconfused. I've set up a development enviroment för stand-alone web app development for the Samsung Gear 2. All according to instruction here on Tizen and at Samsungs. I did this in July. And all was fine. Back then. Eclipse for Tizen, emulator, real gear 2 connected via USB, all works.

Now that Samsung aims development for The new Samsung Gear S and I still want to develop for the Gear 2 got some q's.

1. Can I still continue with development for Gear 2 (I'm not concerned with Gear S) if I update to version "Tizen SDK for wearable 1.0.0" (which has has a somewhat confusing version number! I'm currently using version "1.0.0b2"

2. I've downloaded the "". How do I install(/whereto unpack it)?  I've already got the 1.0.02b version installed. I'm concerned that my already developed app will continue to work / be developed after I upgrade.

3. Trying also to create an Android Host app that will communicate with my wearable app. 
Samsung has really really made it hard to follow setup instructions for this! It's a mess between SDK versions, Eclipse versions, SDK-images and what not!! For instance the Eclipse version they're recommending (on page is version "Download and install Eclipse 3.7 (Indigo) or later; they are available from the Eclipse Downloads page. "Eclipse Classic" is the recommended version. -> WHICH CURRENTLY IS NOT AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD!

Here's a tip: Tizen and Samsung! Please have a sit down - together! Sit down and create a simple, easy to follow "Development Environment Setup Guide for Gear developers". Why not ONE page on the net that has everything you need? This page should be *updated* as you update your SDKs and libs. It should *always* not only for  a specific old/new version help developers to set up their environment.  --> Because if you don't, you will NEVER get a lot of unindependant developers to really care and create wonderful apps that helps you sell your product or OS. Compare this to what MS has done with Visual Studio, all neat and easy. They've got millions working for them at no cost!

Disregarding my "tip", Anyone, please help!



6 Replies
daniel kim

Samsung released official wearable SDK 1.0.0 and seems to be a Beta version.

Install manager in below link can help you to upgrade your wearable SDK.


and I fount that Eclipse classic is available in below Eclipse page.


Marco Buettner

You can use 1.0.0 also for Gear 2 development... In 1.0.0 you have just new APIs for Gear S and some of them you cannot use on Gear 2... But you see a note if a API is only for Gear S.

Its also recommend to use always the latest SDK and the latest lib version (if you use the TAU lib) ... Because it includes improvements, bugfixes and new features.

Xaemin Cho



You looks very busy now :)

Please find install manager(.exe), that is in the same page with SDK image file ( you had already got.

Installation process is not changed after 1.0.0b2, so run tizen-wearable-sdk-2.2.159_windows64.exe first, and choose the correct SDK image in advanced menu.

As I experienced, uninstalling old version first before installing new SDK looks better.


Finally, has no relation with Tizen. Please ignore that page contents and download any version for Android app development. It has been worked for me.



Marco Buettner

1. Some more... A "b" in the version number told you it is a beta version of the SDK. 1.0.0 is the first FINAL SDK version!

2. On your tizen-wearable-sdk folder you have a InstallManager folder and inside a installmanager.exe... Run it, go to advanced, check "SDK Image", browse to your downloaded zip file, OK, continue ... Now it install the zip file :) Easy WAY!

3. Really? Why dont download just 3.7 classsic? :D

John Ixion

you'll find everything here btw

Anders Bergquist

Thanks, everyone. I'll have a go tonight! =D