I am trying to develop a web app, and trying to create a list dynalically and trying to add slider type of checkbox.
All this im trying on a jquery based app, and trying to update list <li> item dynamically.
When I add below code directly on index.html it displays well, but when I add dynalically on main.js, it doesn't come up properly.
in index.html
<select id="flip-3" data-role="slider">
<option value='nope'>Nope</option>
<option value='yep'>Yep</option>
in main.js
"<li> <select id='flip-3' data-role='slider'> <option value='nope'>Nope</option> <option value='yep'>Yep</option></select></li>"
Please help me how can I make it look same as it looks in index,html.
Also the list created is having very big list items, as I am adding a image as well of 35 px.
<li> <a href="#"><img src="chrome.png" height="35"> hello</a> </li>