Hello, I am developing an application utilizing IotCon feature. For some reason I am unable to make it work.
I have granted all needed features and permissions to my app as per the documentation, then I did the following steps:
1- tizen.iotcon.initialize("mnt/host/server.dat"); --> server.dat file get created automatically after the initialization
2- I created server and one resource (Door Resource)
3- Using Iotcon Client, I was able to find all resources (Including the one I created above)
4- Sending GET request to 'Door Resource' always fails
I suspect the issue is because of the CBOR file, when I convert it to JSON I didn't find anything related to Door Resource there.
I tried to alter the JSON manually and then convert back to CBOR, but the server fails to initialize afterthat. (I also tried to convert the original CBOR to JSON then convert it to CBOR again (without modification), yet the server did't initialize at all).
Please advise, how can I generate working CBOR file compatable with Tizen TV?
Mazen Khalil
IotCon CBOR file rejected