
HTML5 Geolocation or Maps Sample not working on Emulator 2.2.0

Dear Experts.,

I create a sample app, to display a Maps/navigation using below sample and trying to test on Tizen emulator 2.2.0.

On launch it popup " request your location" , I click "Allow"

I get  errors  :  "User denied the request for Geolocation"  either "Location information is unavailable".

Also, I tried to launch GeoLocation URL on emulator browser, using below URL :

Error show - Latitude &Longitude is unknown 

How to resolve this problem ? Help me to launch maps with pointed  Latitude &Longitude on emulator. 

Thanks in advance.

Ganesh Kumar R.

Edited by: Brock Boland on 17 Mar, 2014 Reason: Paragraph tags added automatically from tizen_format_fix module.


3 Replies
talari praveen kumar


You have to add <tizen:privilege name=""/> in cofig.xml file.

In emulator to get the current position you have to use Event injector. Please refer the following link get the location data


Ganesh Kumar R

Hi! Praveen.,

Thanks a lot for your timely response.

I added the location privilege , Still same error is observed. Now, I refered the another tizen sample below :

This sample launch good. Onclick "Acquiring your position or Google Map View ", It display "No Internet Connection,App may not work properly"

Note : My PC is connect to LAN not WIFI nor GPS connection. Also , am unable to turn ON Wifi in  Enumlator.

How to Test this app in Emulator , to verify Map functionality ?.


Ganesh Kumar R.

talari praveen kumar

Hi Ganesh

In emulator to get the latitudes and longitudes of current position you have to use event injector. Go to window->show view-> event injector ->location, then you have to give latitudes and longitudes manually. For this please refer to the documentation