
How to open heart rate tab (in shealth app on gear s2) directly by javascript

Any one know how to open heart rate tab in shealth app on gear s2 directly by javascript code, 

I cannot access heart rate tab by javascript code. please help me.

thanks and best regards!


1 Replies
Nafisul Islam Kiron

Hello, I found that specific page of app can be accessed by using the following code:

<tizen:app-control src="[PAGE]" operation="[OPERATION]" scheme="[URI_SCHEME]" mime="[MIME_TYPE]" />
  • src- is a page that will handle the request.
  • operation- is the identifier of the operation.
  • mime- is the allowed MIME type.
  • scheme- is the protocol, (e.g. "tel", "http"), the requesting application will be able to use it to describe the object of the operation.

From Link:


I still cannot find the "heart rate" page name though.