
How do I install a working version of my app in the Emulator without using the IDE?

I have SDK 2.4 installed, both the command-line and IDE for web app development, on my Retina MacBook Pro running OS X 10.9.5.  The Emulator runs, after this week's update; abeit on startup it shows the error message "unable to launch org.tizen.homescreen".  the built-in apps appear to run normally.

My app is a web app, packaged using the tizen package command.  The .wgt file runs on a Z3 in the Samsung RTL, so I'm reasonably sure I have a valid, signed package.

I installed my app to the Emulator using the command tizen install. The app was reported as correctly installed, and the icon appeared on the home screen, but clicking the icon evokes no response.

I uninstalled my app and re-installed it using the steps at

Again, my app is reported as correctly installed, and the icon appears on the home screen, but clicking on the icon evokes no response.


How do I install my .wgt file on the Emulator, so it can actually run?


6 Replies
Doug Reeder

The log includes the follwing messages:

D/AUL     ( 2959): service.c: __set_bundle(186) > __set_bundle
D/AUL     ( 2959): service.c: __get_alias_appid(548) > [SECURE_LOG] alias_id : (null)
D/AUL     ( 2959): service.c: __set_bundle(186) > __set_bundle
D/AUL     ( 2959): service.c: __run_svc_with_pkgname(276) > [SECURE_LOG] pkg_name : UXKxlHW3WL - no result
D/AUL     ( 2959): launch.c: app_request_to_launchpad(396) > [SECURE_LOG] launch request : UXKxlHW3WL
D/AUL     ( 2959): app_sock.c: __app_send_raw(290) > pid(-2) : cmd(0)
D/AUL_AMD ( 2804): amd_request.c: __request_handler(821) > __request_handler: 0
E/AUL_AMD ( 2804): amd_request.c: __request_handler(842) > no appinfo
W/AUL_AMD ( 2804): amd_request.c: __send_result_to_client(148) > __send_result_to_client, pid: -122
D/AUL     ( 2959): launch.c: app_request_to_launchpad(425) > launch request result : -13
E/CAPI_APPFW_APP_CONTROL( 2959): app_control.c: app_control_error(143) > [app_control_send_launch_request] APP_NOT_FOUND(0xfef00021)
E/MENU_SCREEN( 2959): item.c: item_launch(964) > Cannot launch app : [Serene Notes] [-17825759]
D/LAUNCH  ( 2959): item.c: item_launch(969) > [UXKxlHW3WL.SearchableMemosTizen:Menuscreen:launch:done]
woongsuk cho

Please install your wgt like below,


1. push wgt file to the emulator

   sdb push ####.wgt /opt/usr/media


2. move to the emulator shell

    sdb root on

    sdb shell


3. install wgt file 

    pkgcmd -i -t wgt -p /opt/usr/media/####.wgt -q


4. check installed info

    pkginfo --pkg [pkgid]


Doug Reeder

Following those instructions results in the following output:


sh-4.1# pkgcmd -i -t wgt -p /opt/usr/media/Serene\ Notes.wgt -q
path is /opt/usr/media/Serene Notes.wgt
__return_cb req_id[32330002] pkg_type[wgt] pkgid[UXKxlHW3WL] key[start] val[install]
__return_cb req_id[32330002] pkg_type[wgt] pkgid[UXKxlHW3WL] key[install_percent] val[4]
__return_cb req_id[32330002] pkg_type[wgt] pkgid[UXKxlHW3WL] key[install_percent] val[23]
__return_cb req_id[32330002] pkg_type[wgt] pkgid[UXKxlHW3WL] key[install_percent] val[28]
__return_cb req_id[32330002] pkg_type[wgt] pkgid[UXKxlHW3WL] key[install_percent] val[38]
__return_cb req_id[32330002] pkg_type[wgt] pkgid[UXKxlHW3WL] key[install_percent] val[42]
__return_cb req_id[32330002] pkg_type[wgt] pkgid[UXKxlHW3WL] key[install_percent] val[47]
__return_cb req_id[32330002] pkg_type[wgt] pkgid[UXKxlHW3WL] key[install_percent] val[52]
__return_cb req_id[32330002] pkg_type[wgt] pkgid[UXKxlHW3WL] key[install_percent] val[57]
__return_cb req_id[32330002] pkg_type[wgt] pkgid[UXKxlHW3WL] key[install_percent] val[61]
__return_cb req_id[32330002] pkg_type[wgt] pkgid[UXKxlHW3WL] key[icon_path] val[/opt/usr/apps/UXKxlHW3WL/shared/res/UXKxlHW3WL.SearchableMemosTizen.png]
__return_cb req_id[32330002] pkg_type[wgt] pkgid[UXKxlHW3WL] key[install_percent] val[66]
__return_cb req_id[32330002] pkg_type[wgt] pkgid[UXKxlHW3WL] key[install_percent] val[80]
__return_cb req_id[32330002] pkg_type[wgt] pkgid[UXKxlHW3WL] key[install_percent] val[85]
__return_cb req_id[32330002] pkg_type[wgt] pkgid[UXKxlHW3WL] key[install_percent] val[90]
__return_cb req_id[32330002] pkg_type[wgt] pkgid[UXKxlHW3WL] key[install_percent] val[95]
__return_cb req_id[32330002] pkg_type[wgt] pkgid[UXKxlHW3WL] key[install_percent] val[100]
__return_cb req_id[32330002] pkg_type[wgt] pkgid[UXKxlHW3WL] key[end] val[ok]
spend time for pkgcmd is [2392]ms
sh-4.1# pkginfo --pkg UXKxlHW3WL
Locale is en_US.UTF-8
Get Pkg Info Called [UXKxlHW3WL]
Type: wgt
Version: 1.5.3
Install Location: 1
Icon: /opt/usr/apps/UXKxlHW3WL/shared/res/UXKxlHW3WL.SearchableMemosTizen.png
Label: Serene Notes
Have you taken a note (or copied a snippet of text) with important details, and forgotten where you put it?  Do you struggle to remember what was discussed at the meetup in February or the staff meeting last Tuesday?  Did you learn something at the conference in Amsterdam that's only relevant now?  Serene Notes can help!  Just search for any words in your note, or where you wrote it, then skim the list by date.   Runs offline! Import your current notes from plain text, Markdown or HTML files.  Works with text in any Latin alphabet. (Search is optimized for English, Spanish and German.)  Works well on phones, tablets and Chromebooks.  (If you have issues, please tap the menu button, select Preferences and Help, scroll to the bottom, and send a Support e-mail. There's no mechanism for us to respond to reviews.)
Author Name: Hominid Software
Author Email:
Author Href:
root_path : /opt/usr/apps/UXKxlHW3WL
mainappid : UXKxlHW3WL.SearchableMemosTizen
Install time: 1449977896
Removable: 1
Preload: 0
Readonly: 0
update: 0
system: 0
Support-Disable: 0
spend time for pkginfo is [2]ms



... but my app still fails to launch.


Doug Reeder

When I try to run my app from the host command line, I get the following messages:


$ tizen run -p UXKxlHW3WL
Starting run

[Name]: Notes
[Type]: wgt
[appId]: UXKxlHW3WL.SearchableMemosTizen
Launching the Tizen application...
Could not launch the UXKxlHW3WL.SearchableMemosTizen application.
Finished run


woongsuk cho

By attached log, Application installation is done successfully.

To analyze the problem, please attach full log after launching application with below command in the target

sh-4.1# wrt-launcher -s UXKxlHW3WL.SearchableMemosTizen

Doug Reeder

At the device command line, I see:


sh-4.1$  wrt-launcher -s UXKxlHW3WL.SearchableMemosTizen
result: launched


... and my app launches! Thank you!

However, my app does not fill the screen (as it does on an RTL device):

screenshot of emulator not using full screen


However, if I use the back button to go back to the home screen, then hold the Home button to show recent apps, then tap my app, it launches an uses the full screen.