
How can I connect Database(ex:MySQL) in tizen wearable?


I try to make tizen wearable application and the application require to use database such as MYSQL.

But, I heard that tizen doesn't support php.


I want to make just simple function such like below this.


1. Write text on the gear(tizen).

2. Text is saved in the DB.

3. A Html Page show the text on the web.


How can I connect Database in tizen wearable?

If possible, plz write short example.

Thanks to read although my english level is terrible.

Plz help me. Thanks.



3 Replies


You can use Indexed DB in wearable. More info in documentatio:

colin Rao

It's depend on how/where to store the text string, local? or remote?

For local, tizen doesn't support the php, also not support the MySQL.

For remote, tizen just need to support the http(s) protocol, and json/xml parser. 

You can check more local web based storage guides on IDE help. Such as:

Tizen Mobile Web App Programming > Tutorials > W3C/HTML5 Tutorials > Storage Tutorials

Seoghyun Kang



You wrote that you want to create the following feature.


1. Write text on the gear(tizen).

2. Text is saved in the DB.

3. A Html Page show the text on the web.



The meaning of the "on the web" is not clear.


1) Client

If the meaning is the tizen web application, you just need to use the indexed DB.


2) Server

If it is the web site, a lot of work is needed. You need to send the data to the server.


If your target is the Gear S, you can use the internet connection. So you just use the http protocol.

But if your target is the Gear or Gear2, you need to use the SAP API. That's because it does not support the internet connection directly.


Please refer it. Thanks.