I have a web app with several pages, all of them have a Header, Content and footer. Each of them have an image background (images are the same for each page). At the first launching, content and footer background images loaded properly every time. The header background image didn't loading sometimes (hardly ever) or it have a delay with other elements and loading after 5-10 msec. When I move to the second page - all 3 backgrounds loading normaly, and when I go back to the first page, it also bacome normal. So I have two scenarios -
- open app
- header background image is empty
- move to the second page - header backgroind imege is normal
- move back to the first page - header backgroind imege is normal
- open app
- header background image is loading after 5-10 mseconds
How can I solve this? here is the link to the StackOwerflow question: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/22953493/tizen-header-of-web-app-isnt-loaded-properly?noredirect=1#comment35044465_22953493