
Failed to reload a Dynamic Box


does anyone success to reload a dynamic box in DynamicBoxViewer Sample? I followed the instruction below but not worked.

step 1:adding a button which fires launchAppControl to a web app which provides a dynamicbox.

step 2: launching the web app and loading the dynamicbox in DynamicBoxViewer.

step 3:swithcing from DynamicBoxViewer to the Web App by holding donw home key and task switched

step 4:fireing lunchAppControl and switching back to DynamicBoxViewer.


Edited by: Brock Boland on 17 Mar, 2014 Reason: Paragraph tags added automatically from tizen_format_fix module.


2 Replies
Lakshmi Grandhi
Hi Naoya Yamamoto, Please try the examples given sample Web Application(DynamicBox) and Native application( DynamicBoxViewer). Start web application and then native application. Check whether you are able to see any icon else restart the emulator and lunch DynamicBoxViewer native app.
Yunchan Cho
please do the following steps to load a web dynamic box. 1. install dynamic box viewer sample(native app) 2. install web dynamic box sample(web app) 3. execute dynamic box viewer app 4. you can see a web dynamic box item on the list of viewer app 5. select the web dynamic box And then, you can see web dynamic box of 1x1 size.