
Failed to find PeerAgent!

This is frustrating !

I tried HelloAccessory project for gear and it works. I create my own project and follow the steps and create everything similar to HelloAccessory but can't connect

Anyone knows what the main "things" that find the peer agent! Where could be the missing code/configuration

Is it the manifest or the accessoryservices.xml or what!!





2 Replies
Maciej Król

Similar problem here.

I copied both sample projects and it worked, than I tried to create new Android project with a different name copying code and resouerces from the example one and now it doesn't work. Now Tizen logs success and then onerror function with which has undefined string message and code.


But I found it and don't remember how :)

Ok, I guess the problem was in "accessoryservices.xml" in Tizen and Android projects. Make sure they match and the text are case sensitive