
Gcov failed

Hi !

After doing all accordingly to instruction at

I still cant obtain coverage results.

When terminating app I see message "Gcov failed. Coverage data file not found".

But I see all .gcov files in FileManager.

What IDE doesn't see them also ?

Edited by: Brock Boland on 17 Mar, 2014 Reason: Paragraph tags added automatically from tizen_format_fix module.


2 Replies
Raghavendra Reddy Shiva
For me it worked with the Tizen sample application (on windows 7, 64-bit ). Can you give a try with a sample application, so that the problem can be narrowed down to the code generated or SDK issue ?
Serhii Kolomiiets
I also have windows 7, 64-bit. Found source of problem: 1) when compiler is LLVM (clang++) then Gcov works fine. 2) when compiler is GCC then Gcov generates trace files but fails to find them !!!!!! - BUG PS: By the way, LLVM didn't work for my migrated project bada->Tizen.