
Tizen::System::Alarm.Set() E_SYSTEM error


I encountered a problem when using Tizen::System::Alarm. 

I try to re-set alarm to (now + 5 minutes) in OnAlarmExpired() callback.

It usually works correctly, but several times Alarm.Set() returned E_SYSTEM (see log). 

I've never seen this on emulator, only on device. 

How should I deal with this? 

Thanks for any tips.


06-10 13:23:46.003 : INFO / Tizen::System ( 14187 : 14187 ) : int Tizen::System::_AlarmManager::ReserveAlarm(Tizen::Base::String, Tizen::Base::DateTime, int)(152) > Reserve time is 2014/6/10 13:28:46
06-10 13:23:46.003 : DEBUG / ALARM_MANAGER ( 14187 : 14187 ) : alarm-lib.c: alarmmgr_add_alarm_with_localtime(803) > [alarm-lib]:alarm_create() is called
06-10 13:23:46.003 : DEBUG / ALARM_MANAGER ( 14187 : 14187 ) : alarm-lib.c: alarmmgr_add_alarm_with_localtime(825) > start(10-6-2014, 13:28:46), end(0-0-0), repeat(0), interval(0), type(4)
06-10 13:23:46.003 : WARN / ALARM_MANAGER ( 14187 : 14187 ) : alarm-lib-stub.c: _send_alarm_create(193) > security_server_request_cookie failed
06-10 13:23:46.003 : ERROR / Tizen::System ( 14187 : 14187 ) : result Tizen::System::_AlarmManager::RegisterAlarm(Tizen::System::_AlarmImpl*)(422) > It is failed to register alarm.
06-10 13:23:46.003 : INFO / Tizen::System ( 14187 : 14187 ) : result Tizen::System::_AlarmImpl::Set(const Tizen::Base::DateTime&, int, const Tizen::Base::DateTime*)(147) > It is failed to register alarm. [E_SYSTEM]
06-10 13:23:46.003 : ERROR / KLMOBILE ( 14187 : 14187 ) : (0) > m_alarm.Set(updateTime) failed : [-1610609822] E_SYSTEM


4 Replies
Alex Ashirov


Strange error… I have never seen such error before. Do you use repeating or one-time alarm?


I use one-time alarm. 
When it expires, I perform some actions and due to actions' results set or not set alarm again. 


Any updates on this problem? Have you been able to solve this, knazev? I think I am having the same problem, my application sets several one-time alarms and sometimes - randomly- they don't get registered and fired. I haven't been able to find a pattern. My application is a web app (Gear), but I think in the end it is bound to the same alarm api.

One thing I have been able to spot is that when the device is connected with a cable to the computer and the IDE is running, everything works perfectly. When I unplug the device, random errors in alarm scheduling happen.



Unfortunately I've found no solution and have to use own scheduler instead of Tizen::System::Alarm.

Note that "When system time is changed, any invalid alarms whose reserved times have passed are canceled. In case of a repeated alarm, all its expired instances are canceled. The canceled alarms are not recovered even if the system time is changed back to the original time." (