
Tizen Store rejecting app saying Undocumented API detected
Below is the list of Undocumented API listed by Tizen Store on submitting the application. We're using an external library for the application, Tizen Store is saying the functions used by those library as well as the new[] and delete[] operator is undocumented. Can anyone support us to handle it? Thank You. Content ID: 000000072485 operator new[][dict] operator delete[][dict] std::basic_string, std::allocator >::_Rep::_M_destroy[dict]


1 Replies
Manos Theocharopoulos

I have the same issue and Samsung response is not helpful to say the least.

Regarding your inquiry, we are sorry to inform you that we are unable to provide you with enough technical related information since we support Tizen Store Seller Office issues only. If you need technical assistance, please check out relevant information at Tizen Developers site ( where you can find application development guides and solutions to the related problems. We also recommend you to submit an inquiry with the following steps at Tizen developer site, where you will find useful answers and further technical-related assistance: Tizen Developers > Forums > Click the relevant subject > Click [New topic]

According to an older thread Tizen is and will be supporting C++.