
Stop Resize / Scaling elements in .edc layout


I am creating a Tizen native app using SDK 2.4. I have created UI using edje framework using .edc file.

When keyboard appears when entering some text in entry, all other elements are gretting shrink and they overlap on each other.

How can I avoid element resizing when keyboard appears?

I tried fixed & aspect properties but it didnt worked.

         part { name: "rect";
            type: RECT;
            scale: 1;
            description { state: "default" 0.0;
               rel1 {
                  relative: 0.0 0.0;
               rel2 {
                  to: "main_rect";
                  relative: 1.0 0.1;
               color: 0 161 222 255;
               fixed: 1 1;
               aspect: 1.0 1.0;
               aspect_preference: NONE;

Edited by: Dharmesh Guna on 23 Nov, 2015


1 Replies
Carsten Haitzler

this is more complex than you imagine.

when the kbd appears, elementary will shrink content until it hits its minimum size... THEN it will handle moving it up and down so the focused area is visible. your layout simply doesnt have a minimum size that is large enough to avoid it shrinking. using those relative 0.1 etc. values is certainly not going to help as this will definitely make life hard in trying to determine minimum size. also the part simply has no minimum size. if you pack your parts one next to the other and being relative to 0.0 or 1.0 then things can begin to work.

alternatively - don't use edje. really - it's meant for fancy theme designs, not ui layout. for ui layout pack widgets in tables, boxes and widgets will work out their own minimum size (and if scrollable you need to add some extra constraints like pack a dummy rect with a min size set in the ssame table cell as the scrollable item, because scrollable items will generally have a close to 0x0 size becuase they can shrink that small).

you can also put everything in a scroller so it can scroll around and ut your content inside of that...