
Problem with running widget application on Emulator

Hello everyone,

I want to create a native widget according to the sample, since I cannot run these sample apps on the emulator due to manifest errors.

But when I create a similar widget app (Tizen 2.3.2; TizenStudio 1.2), I get the following error when trying to run the application, even if it is just the default wearable widget template with the privilege "app_manager launch".

Message in error popup window:

Cannot install application.

Command: /usr/bin/pkgcmd -G -q -i -t tpk -p "/opt/usr/apps/tmp/org.example.basicui-1.0.0-x86.tpk"
Management: Check manifest.xml in manifest editor.

But I cannot find an error in the manifest file (debug does not identify any error, the application is build without any error or warning) :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<manifest xmlns="" api-version="2.3.2" package="org.example.widget" version="1.0.0">
    <profile name="wearable"/>
    <widget-application appid="org.example.widget" exec="widgeti" main="true" update-period="0">
        <support-size preview="preview.png">2x2</support-size>

Is it not possible to use the app_manager launch privilege in widgets?

Best Regards

Edited by: Lee on 08 Feb, 2018


6 Replies
K Johnson

What's the error you're getting while running sample app? Would you please share log or screenshot?


Hi K Johnson. 

The error code in the console is error 12. Below you find the popup message:


And here the errors from the log file:

K Johnson

According to this link, it's not supposed to happen. Would you please check whether the same privilege gives error for native UI app or not?


When I create a basic UI app (template) and include the app.manager.launch privilege in the manifest file of the ui app, I can build and run the ui app without any error.

Shaswati Saha

Hi Lee,

Package ID of main post and attached screenshot differs from each other. Would you please check this again? According to the image, Basic UI app is getting manifest invalid error. FYI, I could run attached sample app in the link mentioned in your main post without such error after configuring it to wearable version 2.3.2. You may try re-checking whether you've met prerequisites according to this link also check about 2.3.2 packages, wearable extensions, certificate extensions.


Hi Shaswati Saha,

Thank you for your response; You`re right, I confused the pictures and description. 

When I run the sample package (widget + UI app), the UI app gives this strange manifest error. When I run the widget (with app_manager launch priviledge) without UI app, the widget manifest gives the error. And the UI app (with app_manager launch priviledge) without widget can be run without any error.

But now I just completely removed Tizen Studio and set it up newly again. So far it works...