

Partner certificates?
We have been able to run our app on a prototype device but the build failed validation by the Tizen Store. To ship the app in the Tizen store, do we need to compile the app with the partner certificates?  I have applied the partner patch, which overwrites the certificate files in in the distributor folder. The manifest editor warns me that the ime privilege requires the partner signing.  I am certain I properly applied the partner patch.  However, when I try to run the application I keep getting the following error:
"Certain application categories, such as "ime", cannot be launched 
If I remove the IME privileges the game will run on the emulator.  
Btw, the shell script doesn’t work on mac.  The call to the “cp” program should have the -rf switches at the front not the back of the script line.



2 Replies
Marco Buettner

Partner-APIs cannot be used on commercial devices with the SDK Partner-patch! You have to get a partner certificate from Samsung to use them on commercial devices... You know it, if you read careful the SDK documentation ;)

Alex Ashirov


Just FYI. You can post questions related to Tizen Store directly to: