
Include glib.h and use glib functionality in Tizen

Is it possible to use glib functionality (Gnome library) in a Tizen native project and if yes how do I include the necessary files (header and library)?

Edited by: Brock Boland on 17 Mar, 2014 Reason: Paragraph tags added automatically from tizen_format_fix module.


8 Replies
Pushpa G
Refer to
Thank you for the information. Could you please explain how to include the library header for GLIBC in the project and source files so that I can access the functionality?
MyungJoo Ham
How to include headers: About GLIBC: LIBC is the STANDARD C LIBRARIES on LINUX, not a "Tizen library". Do "$ man glibc" in your Linux machine.
MyungJoo Ham
Anyway, which "header" do you want to use? (there are pretty many) Even that you've used for "Hello World!" in Linux is one of GLIBC headers. (If you've done "Hello World!", you already know the answer)
MyungJoo Ham
Anyway, which "header" do you want to use? (there are pretty many) Even that you've used for "Hello World!" in Linux is one of GLIBC headers. (If you've done "Hello World!", you already know the answer)
Thank you for your help. My system is Windows XP Pro 32-bit and I cannot execute linux commands. I want to include the header 'glib.h' and link to the corresponding library. Since it is stated that Tizen supports this library I would like to know how to configure my project so that I can use it in my app.
MyungJoo Ham
Are you developing in Tizen SDK? Or are you making an Tizen Native App out of Tizen SDK in Windows? Are you failing to compile a Tizen App in Windows Tizen SDK? If you are failing, what's your input and output? YOU NEED TO SUPPLY THE SPECIFICS in order to get proper answers.
Hello, I am developing apps with Tizen SDK 2.1 and have no problems compiling apps with the SDK or running apps on the emulator and on a real device. I just want to use GLIBC functionality in addition to using regular Tizen functionality if this is possible but for that I need to be able to include the header and link to the library.