
How to run SAAgent?

Hi all,

I'm attempting to develop for a Gear Fit. I've been reading through the docs and trying the sample projects, but I'm stuck on deployment/running the project.

I'm simply trying to build and run the HelloAccessory sample. As far as I can tell, the provider project only contains an SAAgent (called HelloAccessoryProviderService in the sample), which is an Android service. Building the project in Android Studio succeeds, but when I try to run the application, I'm prompted for a default activity. Since the sample doesn't contain an Android Activity (only a Service), I'm sort of lost as to how I'm supposed to run the project on my phone.

I'm about ready to give up on the Gear Fit, so I'd really appreciate any help I can get.

Edited by: Tom Sanders on 04 Mar, 2015


2 Replies
Alex Dem

Just one suggestion, please move the topic to 'Web Application Development' forum.
All questions related to Gear are discussed there. The topic has no relation to the Tizen native api for mobile.

daniel kim


Gear fit is not Tizen device and I sugguest you to check below link which contains the Gear fit SDK.

I wish this will help you.