I'm having a new issue withGLPlayer that may be a bug : I'm trying tu use the GLPlayer in mode "render only when dirty", which mean that it's supposed to draw only when explicitely asked for.
I looked in the doc and that's what I found :
When the GlPlayer instance must draw onto a target GL surface, the Draw() method is called. If the FPS value of the GlPlayer instance is set to a non-positive value, the Draw() method is called periodically. Otherwise, it is called when the GlPlayer::Redraw() method is explicitly called. In both cases, the Draw() method draws a frame, so by implementing the method, you can render intended scenes onto the target surface.
The problem is that it's still calling the Draw method periodicaly, even when the FPS value is set to a positive integer...
I tried to set the FPS before and after the Start of the Player, I tried diffent values for FPS, but I can't get the Player to render only when I call ReDraw.
For now, I'm just exiting the Draw method if the rendering is not explicitely asked, but it causes visual artifacts (I think caused by a makeCurrent called silently before thee Draw).
Any idea ?